A tax refund is an act the government does annually to pay back money that was withheld in overage from your earned income. Through the updated TJCA, the new W4 forms were created to assist hard-working individuals with receiving more money in take home pay to help sustain families everyday versus once a year. The idea is sound, but to be sure, what you really want to do is adjust your tax withholdings so you owe nothing and get nothing from the IRS every year. This way, those hard-earned dollars stay in your paycheck and come home with you every payday.
When you may have forgotten a form or two or need to amend your return to meet ERTC requirements we can make the necessary corrections to your closed Tax Report.
Creating adjustments and applying updates in the tax laws to your specific business with the goal of creating a path to potential savings for both businesses and business owners.
Your case may be lingering due to payroll tax debt, sales, or income tax liabilities. Whatever the tax problem is, we want to help you resolve it while creating a plan to satisfy both the taxing authorities and your shareholders.
Are your still in annual compliance? Let us become your registered agent to keep the minutes and the annual filings done consistently and on time each year.